Interpretive Tools: Tripartite Soul Theory

The “Tripartite Soul Theory” of Star Wars posits that the cosmic drama of Star Wars –the conflict between light and darkness, with balance in the middle – maps onto the way thinkers throughout history (including Plato, Sigmund Freud, and Carl Jung) have conceived of the human soul or person as having three parts.

Light is associated with the head (intellect, reason, consciousness – the part of the person that thinks). Light is associated with an orientation towards immaterial and transcendent goods – for instance, knowledge. Characters associated with the light live for ideals.

  • Light is often represented by the color blue.

  • Characters who are strongly associated with light include Obi-Wan Kenobi.

  • Key symbols or concepts associated with light include ascent, cities/towers, and books/learning.

Balance is associated with the chest or heart (sentiment, spirit, Jung’s “transcendent function” – the part of the person that loves). Balance is associated with an orientation towards relational goods – for instance, harmony, family, and friendship. Characters associated with balance live for others.

  • Balance is often represented by the color green.

  • Characters who are strongly associated with balance include Qui-Gon Jinn and Luke Skywalker (in Return of the Jedi).

  • Key symbols or concepts associated with balance include family, friendship, forests, and (typically friendly) animals.

Dark is associated with the belly (appetite, passion, the unconscious – the part of the person that wants). Dark is associated with an orientation towards material and immanent goods – for instance, pleasure, power, and security. Characters associated with the dark live for self.

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